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Private Money Demystified Part 3: Crafting the Investment

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(NOTE: What it's like to write a $1,000,000 check for a sweet piece of undervalued real estate … even if your bank account is overdrawn and you owe the local lawn boy $20? This special report shows you step-by-step.)

money faucetDoes the process of getting private money still make you feel squeamish? Or maybe it just flat out scares the pants off you.

Well let me just say, it doesn't have to.

Today we delve into the final piece of our 3-part, candid conversation with the Madame of Money, Susan Lassiter-Lyons, who's been gingerly walking us through something she calls the "I-Cubed Private Money Framework", and how she uses it to completely simplify the private money getting process.

Side Note: Susan's been a real estate investor since 1994, has raised $26.2 million in private money since 2004, has participated in 600 real estate transactions as an investor, broker, lender, advisor or syndicator, and has trained and coached 5,128 investors since 2009. So yeah…she knows her stuff.

In part one, we discussed how to target exactly the right people for private…

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