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Pinpointer Pro

Coaching Call 1: PPP City Ranking/City Lists/Drilling down into local market

Hey it’s Rob here. Congratulations again on making a really smart decision to access and use the PinpointerPro real estate investing software.

I know I keep saying it, but man has this software made my real estate business easier and more profitable. You’re going to love seeing some of the “not-so-obvious” ways we’re using PinpointerPro. That’s what the focus of each Coaching Session is going to be.

Honestly, think about this: If you’re trying to

  1. build credibility with private lenders
  2. get a an agent to take you seriously and really work hard for you
  3. sell houses to cash buyers
  4. or just generate smarter, more accurate bids quickly and easily to beat your competition — PinpointerPro is your answer.

When you can show a private lender, an agent, a cash buyer or anyone that you use advanced software and the market intelligence PinpointerPro gives you…you stand head and shoulders above the rest of the crowd.

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