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Inner Game

Plan the Life You Want, Don’t Just ‘Do What you Gotta Do’

dream.jpgWhat would your life look like if you could make every decision without worrying about debt?

Hey Moguls, Shaun McCloskey here, and I’ve got a powerful lesson today that I think will really put things in perspective for you. It sure did for me.

It’s all about living the life you want and avoiding the trap of doing what you’ve gotta do—but don’t love—to survive.

Ready? Here we go...

A Common Tale

I had a conversation with a friend recently that has really stuck with me. My friend’s husband works 7 days a week, with a minimum of 12 hour days. (Yuck!) This has been going on for about 5 months. (Super yuck!)

There’s more…

He works nights and his wife works days. Their 2-year-old daughter goes to the babysitter while mom is at work and dad is sleeping. And this isn’t the first time their family has been in this situation. They’ve been living this way on and off for years.

But why? Why work so hard and miss…

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