Question for ya…
Are you ready to reach out to absentee owners, including landlords who own rental properties, but you’re unsure how to actually FIND those owners?
Well, it’s your lucky day!
See, in this training video, our buddy, Keith Young is walking you through — step-by-step — all the nitty gritty details of how to use By following his advice, you’ll be able to build a master absentee owners list that’s sure to generate a HIGH RESPONSE from your marketing campaign!
How’s that?
It’s because allows you to build a CUSTOM list of property owners. You can buy the resulting list and turn into a mailing, which… you guessed it… you can turn into DEALS.
You might be thinking… “Okay Preston, sounds good, but why ListAbility?”
So, allow me to explain…
Setting up an account is FREE… and the platform is IDEAL for reaching absentee owners.
Because it lets you CUSTOMIZE…
Real Estate Mogul
helps put dreams of financial freedom through real estate within reach for anyone with a willingness to follow a proven blueprint ... regardless of their financial resources, experience level, or local market conditions.
We do this by plugging them into the most elite learning, networking, and dealmaking community on earth ... an online platform accessible 24/7 by computer or mobile phone and complete with: A 30-Day Quick Start Course, An Online “Real Estate Investing School”, A Private 24/7 Networking and Q&A Forum, A Dealmaking Platform with over $384 billion in real estate for sale, LIVE MEETINGS Via Webcast Every 2 Weeks ... and so much more!
There truly is nothing like it available to real estate entrepreneurs.