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30-Day Quick Start Course

Bonus Marketing Strategies

Feeling stuck in a rut?

Well, I’m here to help get you — unstuck.

In this training video, we’ve got 4 — count ‘em — 4 — BONUS MARKETING STRATEGIES that can really spice up your marketing routine.

These marketing strategies come from the one and only Cody Sperber, and they’re based on Cody’s experience of what actually WORKS.

First, he’s comin’ at ya with the HOA strategy. This strategy will help you find motivated sellers using a platform those sellers know and trust—their HOMEOWNER’S ASSOCIATION NEWSLETTER. By posting an ad for a few consecutive months, you’re likely to find any motivated sellers in that specific neighborhood.

Then there’s the POST-IT NOTE strategy. It’s similar to the HOA strategy because, again, you’re targeting SPECIFIC NEIGHBORHOODS looking for motivated sellers. Cody even has a template you can use to create your own Post-It Notes that are SURE to catch a motivated seller’s attention.

And check this one out…

A literal way to get out of a rut is to get out of the habit of driving the same roads all the time… take a different route each time you leave the house.…

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