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REI Tech

Cool App Lets You Listen Faster, Learn Faster

slow down or dieLove learning stuff via audio sometimes?  Like great podcasts, audio books, audio training, etc.?

(Yep, me too…)

But also, kinda hate how long can take sometimes to sit through and consume the whole darn audio?


Have you ever wished there were some kind of “easy button” that could speed up the audio, and let you process everything they’re saying in half the time, but without it sounding like Alvin and the Chipmunks?

(Heck yeah!)

Enter iTalkfast

Simply put, iTalkfast is an iOs App that let’s you speed up audio on your iPod Touch, iPhone or iPad. 

As we all know, time is our most valuable asset and who couldn’t use more time?  That’s exactly what iTalkfast does; it gives you more time. 

If you’ll remember in a previous Mogul Tech Tip, we spotlighted how to speed up (or slow down) online audio and video awesomely using a relatively inexpensive desktop program. Well iTalkfast does basically the same thing, except it's exclusively for audio on your Apple devices. (They say there's an Android version forthcoming.)

Cool Features

With iTalkFast you can:

  • Sync with Dropbox (AWESOME Time SAVER!)
  • Add full albums in one-click
  • Search by audiobooks, album, artist, song, podcast, playlist, personal recording, etc.
  • Add bookmarks and editable notes
  • Email bookmarks to yourself or share with others on Facebook and Twitter
  • Play Podcasts
  • Save Playlists
  • Set sleep timers for your favorite tunes
  • Set up custom repeat, random or one audios
  • Record your own audio – great for lectures and more.

How This Works Without Making You Crazy

The average person listens to audio at a communication pace, but the brain can actually handle information much faster.  If you can listen faster you can learn faster.  And if you can learn faster you can learn more.

And who doesn't want to learn faster?

Studies show most of us can actually listen to spoken word audios up to 2.5x original speed, meaning you train yourself to save time listening faster. Excellent academic and scientific studies on this topic show when you listen faster you mind goes into overdrive to focus and you retain more.

And that my friend makes you INCREDIBLY sexy!

The Crazy Mad Scientist Behind This?

the boatrightYou probably know him. He's on our faculty in fact. It's the Shortsaleologist himself, Cory Boatright

Cory's been a successful investor and hard-wired entrepreneur for years now - and like most of us, a passionate, continual learner as well.

The whole idea of iTalkFast was born out of his own frustration with having so much awesome stuff he wanted to devour, but just not enough darn time to fit it all in.

Also a serial problem solver, Cory got to thinking...then researching the science behind enhanced learning. After stumbling upon some really compelling research on the benefits of speed-reading, he began looking into how he could extend this idea into listening.

He quickly became pretty passionate about the science behind this new application that allows users to process information aurally at up to four times the normal rate of speech. And next thing he knew, the iTalkfast app was born.

Yay, Cory!

Bottom Line

Most of us consume a lot of multimedia content these days, audio included. A lot of us even take audio with us outside of the office or home so we can “multi-task” and get more done.

So who couldn't use a couple of hours each week back by speeding up the consumption of some of this audio content?  I know I could.


Do It To It! Immediate Action Steps

If you have an iPod Touch, iPhone or iPad, and you regularly consume educational content via audio, then you need this app. Head on over to the App store, download and install. It’s only $1.99!

And for our Android and Window users, a new version is in the works for you.  So stay tuned.

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