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REI Tech

Does Google ‘Like’ Your RE Business?

googleThe Holy Grail in marketing these days seems to be ranking on the first page of Google. Imagine your prime customer – a motivated seller. They type into Google something like:

“Sell my home fast [Town], [State]”

Will they click through to page 8 to see who will help them? Probably not. You want them to see your website’s listing first.

In order to have the Google gods shine down on you, you need to be good to the Google gods. One way you can do this is to make it easy for their users to learn about your business. The better the information Google has, the better their users will want to use the search engine.

The easiest way for Google to learn about (and boost) your business is to have a standard way for businesses to input their information. That standard process needed a name that all businesses would want.

So Google came up with, what else but…

Google My Business



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