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REI Tech

Email Productivity ‘Hacks’

Everyone is going crazy with email these days.  How’s yours?  Is your inbox showing 9,999 new messages?  Yeah that sucks.  How do you keep up?

It’s tough.  No doubt about it.  But we think we might have a few ideas that could help make the emails a little easier to manage.

Most people receive emails from many different sources:

  • Family and friends
  • Business (think real estate) contacts
  • Newsletters
  • Social Media
  • Companies you have done business with – like Amazon, eBay and Craigslist

Some of the emails you will want to see right away, and some you will never want to see.  The trick is to use automation to organize your emails in such a way that you only see the ones you want, at the time you want.  Here are some ways to do exactly that.

Set Up Several Email Addresses

These days with email services such as


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