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REI Tech

Feeling the “Urge To Merge”: Setting Up Your Direct Mail Letters

mergeMany of the real estate experts we learn from on Real Estate Mogul use direct mail advertising extensively to find deals.  Why?  Because it works.  There are tons of people searching the MLS every day looking for good deals.  When a good deal does pop up, it’s either gone quickly or bid up higher than you would ever want to pay.

What’s an investor to do?  The savvy investors look where others refuse to go.  They buy lists of motivated sellers from listing services, or dig up the names themselves from places like the county records.  Motivated sellers such as:

  • Probate Records
  • Absentee owners
  • Landlords who just had an eviction
  • Divorce cases
  • Foreclosures

You get the idea.

Higher Net Worths Come From Higher Net Works

Once the investors have these lists, they need to contact the people.  One of the most effective ways to contact them…

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