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REI Tech

Getting Things Done Is the Name of the Game

calmLike so many things in life, the trick to success is getting the work done. But we’re always so busy. Seems like there is never enough time to get done all we need to do.

Then we forget. What were we supposed to do again? When were we supposed to do it?

There must be a better way. Maybe some kind of organization system that you have tried?

Nothing seems to work. In the 90s, people used pen and paper. They had their organizers that they carried around with them – receipts, business cards and other papers falling out as they went…

Fast forward to today and there are all kinds of technological apps to ‘help’ you get organized. Those are great as far as they go, but they don’t cover everything.

What many people want is a system for organization.

Once you have a system in place, then bring on the tools.

One of the most popular systems these days is a system developed by David Allen appropriately called:

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