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REI Tech

How to Beat the Zeigarnik Effect

don't panicBet you haven’t heard of the Zeigarnik Effect. We hadn’t either…until we started looking for better ways to get our real estate tasks done

The Zeigarnik Effect happens when you are motivated to accomplish something, but you can’t get ‘er done. If you are interrupted in a task, or can’t complete a task, you will experience feelings of anxiety and be uncomfortable until you can complete the task. With too many of these tasks left undone, you might feel overwhelmed

The worst thing you can do is choke up because then, not much gets done at all. Then you are on the road to becoming a motivated seller instead of a savvy buyer.

Real estate investing if FULL of tasks you have to get done:

  • Wholesaling – Sending out letters, following up with phone calls, managing databases of prospects, writing contracts, building buyer’s…

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