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REI Tech

How to 'Email Merge' Your Buyers and Sellers (Using Google Drive and Gmail)

mergeA lot of investors search for seller leads using the old-fashioned post office. People still use direct mail for one main reason – it works. Once they have the contacts, investors like to switch to email whenever possible. 

Besides the cost aspect, email is just easier. Buying envelopes, paper, printer cartridges and stamps can be a real pain. Not to mention stuffing envelopes, adding stamps and trudging down to the post office.

These days, we can count on technology to help us set up direct mailings. Microsoft Word has the ability to customize letters to potential sellers. Word can also automatically address envelopes.

You just have to print and stuff. 

If you haven’t used the traditional mail merge with Word, here is a video on how to create a custom letter.

With email you don’t have to print and stuff. But you do have to customize each email. Then…

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