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Inner Game

Reinforce Your Positivity with This Powerful Tip

masterHey, Moguls, it’s Cody Sperber coming at you with a lesson that’ll give you some thought and tips for staying positive…

It’s crucial to your well-being and to your business, that you maintain a positive frame of mind.

In this business you can have a lot of negative vibes coming at you. That can be a deal that went south on you. Or perhaps it was an angry seller who had a few choice words to say to you (when all you’re trying to do is help him).

Sometimes adverse circumstances can make you feel like a failure or make you feel like you’re not good enough.  

So, what are you gonna do about that?

Are you going to agree with those negative thoughts and feelings? Or take action against them?

I’m here to encourage you to choose the latter. And you can do that by making daily affirmations.

Using positive affirmations on a daily basis is a great way to keep you on an even keel and also keep you motivated.

Maybe you’ve heard people talk about affirmations and you’ve pooh-poohed the idea. If so, it’s time to take a closer look.

Get Your Affirmations On

First of all, what exactly is an affirmation?

An affirmation is a statement asserting the existence or truth of something.

This is good, but I want to put a little different slant on this definition. I say that…

An affirmation is a short motivational phrase that keeps you focused and excited to do whatever it is you’re going to do this day.

For your affirmations to be effective they must be:

  1. Positive.
  2. Present tense – not something you’re going to do or be in the future, but right now.

My Examples

For instance:

  • “I’m a successful real estate investor.”
  • “I enjoy learning and perfecting my craft.”
  • “I live financially free and I enjoy lasting relationships with my friends and family.” 
  • “I’m capable of building a successful investing business and all of my friends and family commend me for my successes.”

Make your affirmations personal for you. These are my examples, but you can write your own that will be effective for you.

"Affirmations are our mental vitamins, providing the supplementary positive thoughts we need to balance the barrage of negative events and thoughts we experience daily."                                                                                                                                     ~Tia Walker

Tips for Effective Affirmations

Have your affirmations written out at your fingertips.

crapYou may want to write out your affirmations on 3x5 notecards. Or if you're the techie type, you'll want to put them in your notes on your smarthphone.

For the best results, read them out loud each morning.

Let yourself hear your own voice affirming these statements. Close your eyes and envision them as being true — as if they have already happened.

What happens when you do this?

Those words make an imprint on your mind and very soon the affirmations will become your reality.


Now let's get down to work and do a little brainstorming...

As I mentioned, it's important that your affirmations be personal so that they have deep meaning for you. One of the best ways to do this is to ask yourself questions. Your answers willl become your own personal affirmations.

Check these out:

#1 What intrigues you about becoming a real estate investor?

#2 What is the most important benefit you’re going to receive from becoming a successful real estate investor?

#3 What specific monthly goals would you like to achieve from your new business?

My Answers

emotionYour answers will be different than mine, but just to give you an idea, here are a few of my answers.

#1 What intrigues you about becoming a real estate investor?

My value is created by me and me alone. I love making a lot of money with my mind and I’m very good at it. I solve problems, create solutions, and I get paid very well for it.

#2 What is the most important benefit you’re going to receive from becoming a successful real estate investor?

I love my real estate business as it gives me complete control over my future.

Here’s an affirmation I wrote out that answers all 3 questions at once:

Real estate is the only business model where I can make a ton of cash without needing any money or credit to get started. Through creative methods, I will flip 2 houses in the next 6 months and add $25,000 to my liquid net worth.

Or how about this one?

My knowledge in real estate affords me a lifestyle of freedom and excitement. I wholesale one house a month and I use the proceeds to invest in long-term rentals. My retirement will be paid for through owning real estate.

“Whatever you want to hear today, say it to yourself.”                                                                                                                      ~ Burbuqe Raufi

Your Thoughts

Do you use affirmations? Do you believe they make a difference in your life? What convinced you to start using them? Share below.


Do It To It! Immediate Action Steps

Ask yourself pointed questions about your business — your answers will be your affirmations.

Make sure your affirmations are worded in present tense — in the now.

Read your affirmations aloud every morning before starting your day.

Envision those affirmations coming to pass in your life.

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