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Inner Game

These 5 Negative Thoughts Are Holding You Back

thoughtsAre you a newbie investor just starting out and wondering how you can find success?

Or are you a bit more seasoned but you’re feeling stuck?

Well, by eliminating these 5 negative thoughts I’m going to share with you – immediately – I think you’ll find that you can be positive and improve your business for the better all the way to the bank.

Hey Moguls, Chris Clothier here, and I’ve heard these 5 sentences over and over again from investors who are asking for advice on how to be successful or get past a roadblock.

When I hear them say one of these negative sentences, I wish we were in a comic strip with conversation bubbles so I could go back to the previous frame, cross out that sentence, and convince them to never say it again.

Because that sentence or negative thought is the problem keeping them from success and overcoming obstacles.

So grab a pen and write these down. And then never utter them again.

#1: I’m too busy.

The worst thing an investor can say (especially an investor who’s just starting out) is I’m too busy.

If you say you’re too busy, that just means you can’t prioritize. You need to prioritize the things that make your business progress, instead of putting all the other little things that simply make you feel busy ahead of what makes you money.

Focusing on busywork almost always stems from some fear of failure… so rather than fail at what you have to do, you do a bunch of little things to make you feel like you’ve got a lot going on. This is counterproductive because you won’t find the success you want this way. You won’t be doing the smart tasks first – the ones that make you money.

So just get rid of the I’m too busy, outsource the day-to-day operations stuff and focus on your best and highest use.

#2: I don’t have the experience.

There’s not a single investor out there who was born with all this experience and understanding of how to be a successful real estate investor. Think of that investor who seems like a natural…

testYou know what he did?

He modeled his business and strategies after other investors who came before him, and he used that to find success and get things done.

So, I say, the whole experience thing… throw it out the window. Rely on the investors, coaches and mentors around you. They can show you what steps to take and what to avoid to be successful. And it’s up to you to take action.

#3: I’m waiting for the right time.

I’m going to be blunt on this one—timing the market is for really, really smart investors, and even so I’m not one of them. I’m actually not even so sure it’s possible because every market is different. Every submarket is different.

Instead of waiting, realize that today, right now, is the perfect time to get started. If you don’t get started today, you know what… tomorrow is also a great day to get started. Too bad it wasn’t yesterday.

Either way, you’ve got to get started somewhere. The longer you wait, the more likely it is that you’ll never get off go. Don’t let waiting for the right time be the excuse that holds you back.

#4: I don’t have the money.

Not having the money to get started… to buy the first home or do a direct mailer is a legitimate fear. But I can tell you this...

If you’re driven, you know what you want to do, you have good mentors, you have a good business plan, you know the goals you want to accomplish and you surround yourself with good people – the money will follow.

But, don’t chase it. Don’t chase money. When you chase money, it runs.

negativeInstead, attract it. Be great. Be extraordinary. Follow through on this incredibly good plan that you have. Show determination to be successful. Surround yourself with great people. And I promise, you will attract the money that you need.

Don’t let money be the reason that you don’t develop your plan and build your team, because when the time is right, when you really have the deal and need the money, you can find it.

Money goes to good deals. You can find the money.

#5: I can’t.

For me personally, this is one of the worst things you can say.

Underline this one three times.

‘I can’t’ is a declaration that it’s over.

Because whether it’s ‘I Can’ or ‘I Can’t,’ you’re always right once you declare it. Once you say you can’t accomplish something, it’s over. You have no shot at getting it done.

So, you need to go into every scenario, every situation, especially if you want to be a successful real estate investor, saying ‘I Can!’

Now, you may not have it all put together yet and you may not have the entire roadmap on how you’re going to be a successful investor… you might not know if it will be passive or active, single family or commercial – as long as you have the attitude of ‘I Can’t,’ you’re right – you will not get off go and nothing will ever change.

Eliminate the ‘I Can’t’ immediately.

Got any tips?

How do you eliminate negative thoughts? Share below.


Do It To It! Immediate Action Steps

Prioritize what makes you money. You’re never too busy for those things.

Follow in the footsteps of successful real estate investors. You don’t need to start with experience. You need to know where to find it.

Start today – there’s no time like the present.

Attract the money - have a good plan, show determination, surround yourself with great people, take action and the money will follow.

Eliminate ‘I Can’t’ from your thoughts immediately.

Remember that you CAN - you will only be successful if you believe you are.

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