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Inner Game

What Do You Believe In - Doom & Gloom or Positivity?

angelsDo you know who David Siegel is?

What about The Queen of Versailles?

Don’t worry – I didn’t either.

So, David and Jackie Siegel are one-time billionaires. He owns a timeshare company called Westgate Resorts. The couple began building an extravagantly lavish mansion in 2004 – 90,000 square feet to be modeled after the Palace of Versailles in France. (Check out the pic below.) That’s more than two Walmarts!

I know, right?!

But the couple ran into some financial difficulties in 2009 and the project stalled at 60% completion.

As business goes sometimes, though, Westgate Resorts’ finances improved, and I’ve just recently learned that the project is back on and expected to be finished this year. Once completed, the house will be one of the largest single-family homes in the United States.

And, even though his company is a fraction of what it was, he’s still worth in the hundreds of millions.

Hey Moguls, Andrew Massaro

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