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Inner Game

Your First Baby Step To Financial Freedom

preston"True individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence." – Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Cool picture, huh? My old boss from the rat race used me for the image. Little did he know that this would be prophetic in more ways than one. Can you believe I used to wear a tie? I don’t even wear pants anymore. His art is awesome. You should check it out.

Anyway, there are four categories of freedom. They all fascinate me. Spiritual, physical, mental (the close cousin of spiritual), and financial freedom. They all link together, and there is no real freedom unless we possess the whole lot of them in abundance. To the degree one area is lacking, we must be suffering.

Suffering hurts. It’s inevitable, but what the heck? Let’s do our part to keep it to a minimum, shall we?

There are many Christians, for example, who claim spiritual freedom but live paycheck to paycheck in bondage to creditors and the government. Is the richest person in the world truly free if they suffer…

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