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Inner Game

10 Laws to Living Large (Part 1)

2014-06-09-260.jpgFrom Preston Ely, Mindset Advisor...

I know when you guys think about me, most of you associate my name with “living large” and I can prove it…

Just now when I said that, what honestly popped into your head? Did you picture me with a bunch of materialistic things? Did you see me in a sports car, on a motorcycle, boat, or maybe a private jet…?

I won’t lie. I like all those things and I could use a new motorcycle. But, you’ve got me all wrong. That’s not how I define “living large.” How I define it is what really got me here…

To me, living large can only be achieved by answering questions such as:

Who are you? What are you here for? Why have you been planted on earth?

  How can I get stronger physically so that I can handle the actual demands of life?

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