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Inner Game

Just 5 Minutes to Make Your Life Awesome

5 minsHey Moguls, Patrick Riddle here…

I’ve had dreams of money falling from trees, knocking on my door and magically appearing in my bank account. Such sweet, sweet dreams...

...and then I wake up. Sound familiar?

Feeling crushed and frustrated, I wonder how the heck I can make it happen in real life...

But the harsh reality is, I can’t. You can’t. None of us can. But what we CAN do is work proactively. I’m talking about getting out there, working hard, building solid relationships, leveraging those relationships and ultimately succeeding beyond our wildest dreams.

Mama Said There’d Be Days Like This

But what about the days you don’t feel doing a darn thing? We all have them. I know I do. Life happens and things don’t always go your way... and it sucks sometimes.

But here’s the other thing I know…

I know how vital it is to my ultimate success to wake up every morning and say:

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