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REI Tech

Awesomest Way to Manage Your Bandits & Bird Dogs

signIf your real estate business includes (or needs to include) marketing with bandit signs, then you are probably facing a tough challenge – long-distance quality control.

On one hand, you know that you should be delegating your company’s marketing campaign to other people, because hanging bandit signs across the Tri-State area is certainly not “the highest and best use” of your time.  As a real estate investor, you already juggle a ton of responsibilities, and the last thing you need to do is waste precious time running around town with dozens of signs and a hammer.

(“Personally, I prefer hanging bandit signs over finding great deals,” said no successful investor ever!)

On the other hand, you know that most of the people to whom you would delegate this unappealing work feel the same way as you.  They don’t want to spend all day hanging bandit signs either.  (Nobody does!)

Yet the job still needs to be done…

…and it needs to be done well – with minimal supervision.

So how do you handle this tough challenge of long-distance quality control?  How do you ensure that the job is being done well, without using your own precious time to personally hang the signs, or without shadowing your unenthusiastic delegates?

logoIntroducing SimpleCrew

Fortunately, some brilliant computer programmers at a company called SimpleCrew have devised an ingenious solution to your problem – a simple and elegant website which monitors your crew of bandit sign marketers.

By combining GPS location tracking software with the ubiquitous photo-sharing capabilities of most modern smartphones, the SimpleCrew website makes it easy to track your team’s progress in the field and online.  The product’s GPS and photo features allow you to ensure that your employees are hanging signs exactly the right way – in exactly the right locations – without ever leaving your office.

Click here to check-out a review of SimpleCrew by Mogul’s own JP Moses …

Pretty nifty, huh?  And cheap, too!

For additional context, here is SimpleCrew’s own “Guided Tour” of their product, as JP mentioned in his own video above …


Do It To It! Immediate Action Steps

Stop Wasting Time – Stop wasting valuable time by hanging your own bandit signs and/or shadowing the people you hire for this task.

Try SimpleCrew – Try SimpleCrew’s helpful project management software, starting at $25 per month (and free for the first 14 days)

Enjoy – Enjoy a simple and elegant solution to the challenges of long-distance quality control in your company’s marketing campaigns.

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