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REI Tech

How to Get Free Text Alerts for Urgent Emails

bubblesBelieve it or not, most of us are text messaging addicts.

It’s true!  You can absolutely (scientifically) become addicted to text messaging.

Texting has become - for most of us – a preferred way to communicate, like it or not. Everywhere you look, people are texting, awaiting that much anticipated response, the instant gratification, and the rush that somehow seems to accompany that next text reply…

…and the next…

…and the next.

And it’s no secret that texting sometimes fails to produce positive results… (I’m talking to you, Tiger Woods and Brett Favre.)

But text messaging is obviously here to stay, and it CAN be a great way to get vital information quickly – when used safely and smartly, of course.

In fact, professionals everywhere (and investors like us) should consider healthy text messaging habits as an effective means of getting the important information we need instantly.


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