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REI Tech

How to Systematize Your VA Training

professorAlbert Einstein missed the mark – and you may be doing the same thing.

Einstein once famously defined insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”.  Although there is some truth to his definition, I think it fails to capture a very important (and tragically neglected) dimension of insanity.

Allow me to explain…

Think for a moment about the unique visionaries* in our world – the “thought leaders” who intentionally build a better future (for themselves and for others).  I’m talking about the pioneers.  The trailblazers.  The entrepreneurs.  The brave souls who live their lives on the cutting edge of human progress.

*Perhaps I am talking about you.  If you are building a real estate business, or if you are building an investment portfolio, then you have been undoubtedly captivated by a beautiful vision of the future – and you are thoughtfully blazing a financial trail for the benefit of your dependents.

insaneNow think about what would happen if our world’s unique visionaries simply stopped doing new things.  What if their amazing brains were not allowed to blaze new trails?  What if their imaginations became overly shackled to reality?  What would happen if this world’s pioneers – perhaps including yourself – became content with simply “doing the same thing over and over again”?

I’ll tell you what would happen.  It would be insanity.

Indeed, the best definition of “insanity” should account for those rare individuals who were never designed to repeat the same task “over and over” again – regardless of the results.

It is insane for dreamers to let themselves become manual labor on the assembly line of life…

…and your business needs to account for this.

Train Others To Inherit Your Repetitive Tasks Online

Make no mistake – your use of a laptop does not make you free from monotonous “zombie work”.  A mobile tool in your hands does not necessarily give you a mobile mind in your head.

If you are a creative visionary, using modern technology to build something new with your business/life, then you need to train others to inherit your repetitive tasks online – the same way you delegate manual repetitive manual labor in “the real world”.

More and more investors are discovering the power of leveraging virtual assistants, including several of the visionaries here at Real Estate Mogul – trailblazing pioneers who simply should not be using their computers to repeat the same monotonous tasks.

Do you fall into this category?  Are you wasting precious brain cells on boring routines that don’t need any more thought?  If so, then today’s lesson will be perfect for you.

batonToday you will learn how to create a system of online training tools for “passing the baton” of monotony to somebody else.  Use this simple (and practical) strategy any time you need to delegate repetitive computer-based work to your virtual assistant…

…then use your brain’s newfound bandwidth to solve new problems, or to build something fresh and beautiful.

Anything else would be insane.

JP Moses explains how to systematize the online training for your virtual assistant…

Do It To It! Immediate Action Steps

Create a Sharable Spreadsheet – Using Google Docs (or some other cloud-based software), create an “Internal Training” spreadsheet for easy sharing with your virtual assistant.

Make a List of Training Topics – Within your cloud-based spreadsheet, make a list of the virtual tasks/responsibilities for which your new VA(s) will require training.

Create Some Training Videos – Use Snagit and Screencast (or similar software) to create one helpful training video for each of the virtual tasks/responsibilities listed in your spreadsheet.

Enhance Your List of Training Topics Enhance your list of training topics by including a link to each training video next to each task/responsibility in your cloud-based spreadsheet.

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