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Inner Game

Be Yourself. And You Are…?

Hey Moguls, Preston Ely here, getting this lesson started with a great quote:

“I’m not a paranoid deranged millionaire. G-d@mit, I’m a billionaire.”
                         ~ Howard Hughes

It’s no small task to live authentically. I know I don’t do it all the time. From the moment we enter grade school, we are immediately pressured on all sides to conform. To be like everyone else. And most people do.

I admire guys like Howard Hughes, crazy as he was. Dude could care less what any-darn-body thought. He did his own thing. Made his own way. Bucked the system. Scoffed at the government.

Read my lips here, even though you can’t see them…

These are the kinds of people who succeed.

Conformity Sucks

High school kinda sucked for me. All the cool kids played sports. I played skateboard and cigarette.…

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