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Behind the Scenes

Hey Moguls, Preston Ely here with a question for ya…

What’s the secret to becoming a self-made millionaire?

Well, in this training video, the original Real Estate Mogul himself, Preston Ely is grilling the Clever Investor, Cody Sperber, on all things investing.

See, Cody is one of those investors who has REVOLUTIONIZED the investing game and has done over 1,000 deals. So, yeah, it’s safe to say that he knows a little bit about the self-made millionaire thing.

You might not know this, about Cody, though…

Before he was a legendary real estate investor, he went to those free real estate seminars and bought it hook, line and sinker. But, he always felt like something was MISSING. See, those seminars told him WHAT he needed to do to succeed, but they never told him HOW to do it.

A pretty important missing piece, right?

So in this training, Cody explains his revolutionary 4-SQUARE…

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