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Business Development

How To Create a "System" & What Does One Look Like?

organizedHey, Moguls, Alex Pardo here, and today I want to talk about the importance of creating standard operating procedures (SOPs). We've all read the books and heard gurus and other investors talking about the importance of building a business that's based on automation and systems. And those are important, but… I think a key component that's often left out when people talk about creating systems is:

What does it mean exactly and how do you go about creating a system?

So, in this lesson, what I want to share with you is how we’ve documented tasks (a.k.a. created SOPs) over the years to systematize our business. We documented it, tested it and then turned it over to a VA or another team member and had them do it to make sure that they were able to produce the same exact output that we produced when we did it. That way, we knew it all worked.

Who’s Down with SOP? Yea, You Know, Me!

Most of you are familiar with me…

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