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Direct Mail Is NOT Dead

There’s just something about a well-written, nice piece of old-fashioned mail that seems to draw our attention... especially in this digital-driven world.

Let’s say, for instance, your grandmother takes the time to send you a handmade birthday card, complete with a lengthy handwritten note that wishes you well and tells you how great you are.

And then, one of your acquaintances writes a simple “Happy Birthday” on your Facebook timeline.

Which birthday greeting would be more meaningful for you?

Grandma’s, duhhhhh.

(Now if only we could get her to send homemade cookies next time, that would be perfect. But, I digress.)

Hey, Moguls, Cody Sperber at your service and my point here is: direct mail is NOT dead.

As an investor, you have the power to score amazing property deals by using direct mail as a marketing method. The key is: You need to do it in the right way.

And that’s where I come in…

I’m here to tell you how…

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