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Inner Game

Do You Know Why You're Here?

purposeDo you ever ask yourself why you're here?

Do you stop to think about your purpose?

Who do you surround yourself with?

Heavy stuff, I know… but it’s important that we think about it and not push it aside, just hoping for the best. We must pay attention and take action…

See, I’ve been thinking about this a lot, and I want to share with you a realization I had that changed my life.

I think that we're here on planet earth to grow.

What I mean is that all around us is pain and suffering. We have inner turmoil. Life is hard, right?

So I think that all of this pain causes us to turn into real people. To grow into the people we’re supposed to be.

How do I know?

Because I lived it.

The old Preston…

So, I started rebelling when I was a teenager—doing drugs and partying—I wanted to go have a good time so I did that, for quite a while…

And it ruined my life.

I lost everything you can think of: I lost houses,…

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