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Inner Game

Destroying Your Self-Limiting Beliefs

beliefsIf you’ve read any of my other lessons here on Mogul, you know that I love me some Mastermind groups. I mean, what’s not awesome about a group of high-level real estate investors and entrepreneurs sharing ideas and deals!?

So, I recently had the opportunity to attend one… and as I’m sure you can imagine: It. Was. Powerful.

Hey Moguls, Patrick Riddle here to share with you the key takeaway from this particular meeting.

So, the guy who runs this group has a $25 million(!) business. And he asked us a simple but PROFOUND question… and I just can’t stop thinking about it.

Belief affects success

Before I tell you what the question is, I want you to think about this…

American philosopher and psychologist William James said:

Belief creates actual fact.”

So, I now want you to ask yourself:

Does your belief about what’s possible for you… affect your success?

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