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Inner Game

This Is How to Get What You Want from Investing

dangerListen up – Preston Ely here and I have something important to share... about expectations and fear and attitudes.

You’re not going to read this anywhere else, so perkify your ears. Yeah that’s right. Perkify. It’s a new word. I just invented it. “The act of perking.”

Okay, the important part…

Let me be clear: It is imperative that you get ALL the answers to the questions on this lead sheet. It’s the only way to make intelligent offers.

There are several questions on leads sheets that some sellers will be reluctant to answer, such as:

  • What’s your loan balance?
  • What’s your reason for selling?
  • What is the least you will take for your house?
  • What is your asking price?

Here is the key to getting these answers every single time without fail: Expect them to give you the answer.

See, you are doing these people a favor by even entertaining the thought of buying their house. Ya dig? They should be thanking…

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