Inner Game
When and How Max Effort, Energy and Persistence Pays Off
“Success requires first expending ten units of effort to produce one unit of results. Your momentum will then produce ten units of results with each unit of effort.”
~ Charles Givens
I remember reading somewhere that a jet uses about 90% of its fuel (energy) during the takeoff and rise to cruising altitude. It takes massive amounts of effort to get off the ground and climb to its intended heights. But at a certain point, it becomes easy and is able to simply cruise, not using much energy at all.
Hard at first. Easy at a certain point.
Hey Moguls, Preston Ely here…
Picture a big boulder… you’re trying hard to push it. It doesn’t budge. You hate the big boulder. But you keep trying because you are totally insane as far as anyone else can tell. It moves a little. The more it moves, the easier it becomes.
At some point, it takes on a life of its own and you can just jog next to it, give it a good slap every once in a while, and watch…
Preston Ely
is a real estate investor, serial entrepreneur, life coach, musician and philanthropist. CEO of Real Freedom, Inc, one of the most influential internet-based information publishers in the world, owns the largest Anytime Fitness Gym in the United States, is recording a music album with Atlantic Records, sits on the board of Advocates Of Love Orphanage, and has a non-profit charity assisting the poor and oppressed in Cuba with both their physical and spiritual needs.
With over 200,000 subscribers to his email newsletter, he is rapidly fulfilling his mission on earth, which is to glorify God by setting people physically, mentally, financially, and spiritually free through his music and his message of FREEDOM. Preston is 37 years old, lives in Tampa, FL with his wife Ashley, where he spends most of his time reading, writing, and practicing mixed martial arts.
+ Mark as Learned
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