Listen up – Preston Ely here and I have something important to share... about expectations and fear and attitudes.
You’re not going to read this anywhere else, so perkify your ears. Yeah that’s right. Perkify. It’s a new word. I just invented it. “The act of perking.”
Okay, the important part…
Let me be clear: It is imperative that you get ALL the answers to the questions on this lead sheet. It’s the only way to make intelligent offers.
There are several questions on leads sheets that some sellers will be reluctant to answer, such as:
What’s your loan balance?
What’s your reason for selling?
What is the least you will take for your house?
What is your asking price?
Here is the key to getting these answers every single time without fail: Expect them to give you the answer.
See, you are doing these people a favor by even entertaining the thought of buying their house. Ya dig? They should be thanking their lucky stars (“thank you, star” – does anyone actually do that?) to simply have your attention on the phone for 30 seconds.
Managing Expectations
Now that sounds simple enough but let me give you my definition of “expect.” Actually, better yet – allow me to paint you a picture…
When I “expect” something of someone, I ask the question in such a way that the emotion of fear is sparked inside the person. Now I’m not trying to scare anyone - this is just what naturally happens.
See, I ask questions in such a way as to convey through my demeanor and voice inflection that I would be shocked to the point of needing a medical team to come clinically un-shock me if they did not answer my question.
Confidence literally oozes out of me.
I do not ask the question hopefully. Rather I ask it expectantly.
People tend to want to live up to what is expected of them. They are scared to offend me by not living up to my expectations.
“Don't lower your expectations to meet your performance.
Raise your level of performance to meet your expectations.”
~Ralph Marston
I can’t stress enough how crucial this is…
Expectant Attitude
Let me simply reiterate this important truth because if you truly believe this, then you will naturally carry this “expectant” attitude around with you all the time:
Motivated sellers need you. You do not need them. You are doing them a favor, not the other way around.
Take control of every conversation and be the boss. Refuse to deal with anyone who will not cooperate. Those are not the people you are looking for anyway. Develop a fierce, bold, determined and powerful attitude and presence.
People should be intimidated just standing in the presence of your greatness. Not intimidated in a bad way, but intimidated in the way you might be intimidated standing next to Tony Robbins or the president of the United States.
You can develop this. Focus on positive thinking. Think your way into it.
You are what you think you are. That is one of the great secrets of life. To the degree that you do not believe this, you must be suffering.
“A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events and outcomes. It is a catalyst and it sparks extraordinary results.”
~Wade Boggs
Say Something
Share your thoughts on this lesson in the comments section below.
Focus on positive thinking to think your way into greatness.
Speak like a boss with confidence.
Carry yourself with positivity and power – but not cockiness.
Take control of every conversation.
Preston Ely
is a real estate investor, serial entrepreneur, life coach, musician and philanthropist. CEO of Real Freedom, Inc, one of the most influential internet-based information publishers in the world, owns the largest Anytime Fitness Gym in the United States, is recording a music album with Atlantic Records, sits on the board of Advocates Of Love Orphanage, and has a non-profit charity assisting the poor and oppressed in Cuba with both their physical and spiritual needs.
With over 200,000 subscribers to his email newsletter, he is rapidly fulfilling his mission on earth, which is to glorify God by setting people physically, mentally, financially, and spiritually free through his music and his message of FREEDOM. Preston is 37 years old, lives in Tampa, FL with his wife Ashley, where he spends most of his time reading, writing, and practicing mixed martial arts.