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REI Tech

How ‘Predator Vision’ Can Prevent Your Next Property Nightmare

Remember the movie Predator?Property Nightmare

Who can forget, right? Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jessie Ventura and the whole lot of them, scrambling around like maniacs trying to figure out what the heck kind of invisible enemy they’re even fighting.

Turns out it was a dreadlocked alien sportsman with a weakness for big-game human hunting. Oh, and the coolest “Predator Vision” ever. Remember that? No matter where the team of commandoes came from, day or night, the Predator could always see ‘em coming, thanks to his handy-dandy, thermal-imaging “Predator Vision” facemask.

Fast forward to today, and “predator vision” has become relatively commonplace. From Special Forces and military aircraft to “ghost hunters”, it seems like there are always infra-red shots lighting up the night.

Hmmm… So, how do you think real estate investors like you and me could use something cool like this? Something that sees what your normal…

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