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REI Tech

4 Google Add-Ons That Rock the House

google-band.jpgIt's not secret I'm a fan of Google products.

Legit privacy concerns aside (no love for NSA here, trust me) I find Google’s ever-expanding array of ridiculously awesome products to be... well, ridiculously awesome! 

Fun to use, and almost always nudging me ever forward into being more efficient and effective.

Some of my fave Google toys include:

  • Gmail (obviously)
  • Google Drive (my whole team runs our biz on this)
  • Google Docs & Sheets (like MS Word and Excel, but not)
  • Google Apps (runs all my company's email)
  • Google Hangouts (like webinars, but awesomer)
  • YouTube (you knew Google owned them, right?)

Enthusiastic fanboy that I am, you may recall a previous lesson I penned for you on
5 Things You Didn't Know You Could Do With Google Drive, which covered things like scanning docs to PDF and storing in your Drive,…

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