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REI Tech

How to Become More Attractive (in Your Business)

“We Buy Houses”

See that sign much?  We see it everywhere. There’s a lot of competition out there.  Think if you do the same thing that every desperate seller is going to pick you over some other investor?  Probably not

To find the truly great deals, you have to differentiate yourself.  You have to show people why they should buy from you instead of your competition.

Think you differentiate yourself by being able to:

  • Close Fast
  • Pay Cash

Think again.  All the cool investors do that.  Does it just come down to who will pay the highest price?

Or not?

What if you were the one who showed you cared the most about the seller?

What if you were the one who helped the seller in other ways? 


  • Explaining how to set up an estate sale for probate deals.
  • Showing absentee owners how a 1031 exchange works.
  • Working with homeowners in foreclosure to get on the credit restoration path.

The sellers would realize you care. Then they might pick you to buy their house instead of Joe Wholesaler who just sees “$” signs.

Selling Without Selling

You have to sell yourself to the people you do business with.  Whether it’s locking up a great deal with a seller, or convincing a buyer what a great deal you have for them… people want to feel like you care about them

They don’t want some fancy or high-pressure sales pitch.

That’s where content marketing comes in.  Content marketing is marketing that provides value to the consumer, even if the seller never purchases what is being pushed.

Think about it.  Would you rather do business with someone who just pushes you to buy (or sell for a big discount)?

Or would you want to do business with someone who provides you with extras, such as free information that might make the deal a lot sweeter for your customer?

One of the best places to learn about content marketing is Copyblogger.  The folks at Copyblogger are dedicated to teaching you content marketing so you can really grow your business.  They also provide a lot of this information for free.


All you have to do is register.

Once you register with your name, email and password, you can have access to articles and e-books galore.  You are also automatically registered for the Copyblogger 20-part online content marketing course to show you how to get started on generating great content marketing. 

They even have a forum that you can bounce your copywriting ideas off other business owners.

By putting great content marketing into your marketing materials, you are going to attract a lot more buyers, sellers and deals.

Before you think Copyblogger is just another marketing blog, consider:

So they must do something right.  And Copyblogger practices what they preach.  They give you all kinds of free information and education to help grow your business.

But I’m a Real Estate Investor, Not a Copywriter

Real estate investors are still businessmen.  They still need to market their business.  Content marketing can really help.  In addition to helping sellers with information such as estate sales, 1031 exchanges and credit repair mentioned above, you can also help people on your buyer’s list by sending them information such as:

  • Hard Money Loans for Under 10%
  • Reduce Taxes by 43% On a Flip
  • How to Select the Best Contractor (and Get a Discount on the Work)

Copyblogger shows you the best ways to use content marketing for your business.  They even have seminars and webinars to further help you with your content marketing – all for free.  It seems like the only thing they really push to buy (other than to register) is to use ‘Scribe’ software to help with SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

We think you don’t need to be an internet marketing expert to be a successful real estate investor. But every business should be good at marketing, and real estate is no exception.

You can learn more about Copyblogger from this video they put on their website, or just view it here:


Do It To It! Immediate Action Steps

Work on Marketing – The best marketers are never satisfied. Review your marketing and see if you can do better.

Take a Look at Copyblogger – They offer all sorts of free content that has increased sales at many businesses.

Offer Value to Your Customers – When you come in contact with buyers, sellers, Realtors and investors, do you just take whatever they have? Or do you provide something of value to entice them to do business with you?  Chances are that if someone thinks you are looking out for them, they are more likely to bring you deals.

Learn from Your Competition – Feel free to steal ideas and adapt them to your marketing.

Differentiate yourself from your competition. – Be the investor who stands out to the buyer, seller or other real estate contact.  By being different (in a good way), you will be picked more often to receive the good stuff.

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