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REI Tech

Use a Calculator to Monetize Time, Crunch the Profit Numbers

calculateEveryone has heard the expression Time is Money. Nowhere is that more true than in real estate investing. For instance – every day that goes by during a rehab job is costing an investor interest on borrowed funds.

But smart and savvy investors can use time to make lots of profits. Not only profits, but the best kind of profits:

Passive profits.

What do I mean by passive profits?  I mean the kind of profits where all you have to do is go to your mailbox and pick up a check once a month.  No overflowing toilets, no dealing with contractors, no driving out to properties to deal with a domestic dispute.

Think about it… when you purchase a property with bank money, does the bank do anything except lend you the money and collect payments?  Nope.

Wanna be the bank?

One way to invest in real estate is to be the bank, not the owner of the property. 

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