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Business Development

How to Choose an Attorney for Your Power Team

attorneyLawyers, lawsuits, litigations, hearings, trials, courtrooms…

All those terms are enough to send chills up your spine.

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you had a frivolous lawsuit come your way? (Or even a not-so-frivolous lawsuit?)

It’s a question most all real estate investors ask…

What can you do to keep yourself and your business, protected?

Better to know this sooner rather than later.

Hey Moguls—it’s Cody Sperber here, and I’m addressing this serious issue of having good legal protection. You want to make sure you have a quality real estate attorney as a strong member of your power team.

Why You Need an Attorney

If you haven’t noticed that we’ve evolved into a highly litigious society, either you just flew in from Mars, or you’ve been living under a rock. It seems everyone and their uncle is out to sue someone else.

It’s crazy.

If that weren’t enough, there’s also…

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