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Business Development

What to Do and What NOT to Do When Starting Your Business

temptationSo how do you start a real estate business?

No, really.

Jason Lucchesi here, and today I’m going to answer this question I hear so often by telling you both what NOT to do and what to do to find success. This is all based on my personal investing experience and my experience as a coach for other investors.

Are you ready?

Let’s get started.

What NOT to Do

So maybe you’re just getting started and you know nothing about real estate. Your problem seems to be one of education, so you sign up for a webinar. It’s pretty good, but you’re still not really sure where to begin...

You hear about another webinar that promises to help you make $30K, so you sign up for that one, too. Then you see yet another educational course and decide to give that one a go.

My friend, you are falling into the education trap.

Look, there’s nothing wrong with webinars and training courses. BUT if all you’re doing is buying…

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