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Inner Game

Don’t Let Fear Take Over

fearYou want to succeed so badly you can taste it. You’ve invested time, money, energy… maybe even blood, sweat and tears into this business called real estate investing.

But for some dang reason, you just can’t pull the trigger. You get to the door, you open it, but you refuse to walk through. Maybe you simply can’t. Maybe the thought of walking through that open door is so terrifying that it’s debilitating.

Let me put on my counselor hat and get warm and fuzzy for a hot second (don’t get used to it). You’re not alone. Really, you’re not. So many investors are scared out of their minds to start flipping houses.

But fear is both your enemy and your ally.

Hey Moguls, Andrew Massaro here to explain why fear is so vital to your success.

Do it for Love

Okay, okay, so I’m going mushy on you again, but I gotta make my point. It’s been said that every idea, each move we make, comes from either love or fear. If you chose love,…

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