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Inner Game

Focusing on What Matters

Most of us have our hands full juggling so many things every day that we feel like everything gets 20% of our attention, while nothing ever gets 100%. 

Your attention is powerful when it is concentrated on 1 thing. That power is diluted when we allow our focus to splinter into multiple factions, which is how most of us live. 

Steve Cook here to tell you that it’s time to start putting your focus where it matters.

We’re all allotted the same number of minutes in each day, so the allure of multitasking comes from the idea of getting more done in a day.

In theory, the people who are able to somehow squeeze in even 5% more work into their time will accomplish more, be more productive and come out ahead. 


The theory is popular, but the reality is that the power of multitasking is a myth.

Powerful Focus

As I mentioned above, your focus is most powerful when it’s centered. When it’s fractured, that power is diluted into fragments that result in mediocre accomplishments.

Human beings are essentially single-core processors. Sure, we can check our email, listen to someone asking us for feedback on a project and take notes simultaneously, but we cannot effectively devote 100% of our attention to each task all at the same time. 

It is simply impossible. 

And if juggling tasks divides your attention, then it stands to reason that it increases the time you will spend refocusing on important tasks that suffered from a lack of focus. 

So in reality, dividing your focus makes you less productive.

Make a Difference

Today, you can start focusing on what matters and will make the most difference in your life. 

focusedDecide that your priorities are worth single-tasking and cut out the distractions to zero in on the work that is important to you. You’ll get more done, one task at a time, than you could have imagined when you were multitasking. 

Think of felling a stand of trees...

If you approached it by making a mark on each one with your saw before moving on to the next, you wouldn’t have cut down a single tree at the end of the day. But if you focus on one tree at a time and saw through until it’s done, maybe you wouldn’t have left a mark on every tree, but you’ll have accomplished a stack of firewood.

Once you reprioritize and cut out what doesn’t matter, you can start sawing away at the important tasks. You might be surprised to see how quickly you make progress on them and the level of quality produced.

How Do You Focus?

How do you avoid distractions? Share below.


Do It To It! Immediate Action Steps

Prioritize your tasks.

Focus one task at a time.

Eliminate distractions so you can be super productive.

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