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Inner Game

Profits & Prophets: How to Craft & Apply a Mission Statement for Your Professional Life

jasonFrom Jason Payne, Management Consultant & Leadership Coach …

There is a HUGE difference between “knowing” and “doing”.

Think about it.  What good is knowing how to make an omelet if you never actually cook one for breakfast?

And what good is knowing how to how to speak Klingon if you never actually converse with similarly fluent aliens from Neptune (or wherever the heck those ugly dudes are from)?

And what good is it to know the importance of aligning your investments with a comprehensive life mission if you never actually craft a personal mission statement and apply it to your own life?

(It’s no good at all, I tell ya!)

This is why I’m introducing two very practical lessons today, in the wake of my previous two lessons about the importance of adopting a unified mission for your personal and professional life:


+ Mark as Learned

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