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Inner Game

What Is Your True Potential?

Ever wonder how much more you (and your team members) could do if you were really tapping into your full potential?

Hey Moguls, Chris Clothier here, and in my business and my personal life, I’m always seeking to achieve my true potential. And as a team leader, I want my team to be working and living up to their potential too.

But what does that really look like?

Potential Is a Mindset

The word potential is a pretty loaded term. It means different things to different people.

To me, potential means that if you think you can, you can. It’s all about having the right mindset.

Most of us have a tremendous amount of potential, and most of it is unfulfilled.

Leaders Unlock Potential

As a leader, your job is to inspire the people around you. You want to help them see their potential, and to develop it. This is daily work. Leaders should inspire others to never be satisfied and to always be looking for opportunities to improve.

As a leader, you should encourage the people who work with you and for you—family, friends, employees—to believe in themselves.

Encourage them to tap into that untapped potential that’s in all of us. Help them visualize their potential, even beyond what they think they can do right now.

“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.”
                                              ~Henry Ford

You’re Born This Way

You’ve got potential.

With the unique strengths you’ve been given and the way you’re wired, you better believe you’ve got potential, not only in business but in life.

Potential is whatever you believe you can accomplish with the strengths you’ve been given. It’s about to tapping into your dreams and then having the driving force and the persistence to make your dreams reality.

Talking about potential never gets old. Ever.

Everyone around us at work and at home has tremendous potential. Reaching that potential starts with the mentality that you can do it… way before you have the chance to actually do it.

Launching Superstars

In business, new hires are a great group because they often don’t really realize how great they can be. They’re ready to be taught and inspired. These newbies often come in with very small visions, and after a few months they’re superstar employees because of the potential they add.

potentialAnd think about this: they’re just getting started.

As a leader, you should be talking to your team members, new and old, about potential. You should be challenging them to meet and exceed their potential. You need a team that’s receptive to change, because in order to tap into your potential you have to have an open mind.

When you meet with team members to talk through new ideas, take the time to encourage them. Remind them that you see their potential and you’ve seen how they’ve grown.

Cast a vision for what the next level will look like if they keep pursuing their potential. Tell them you believe in them. Show them how to make changes and inspire them to do hard things to improve.

Don’t get discouraged; this process takes time…

In my next lesson, I’ll get into more detail about helping team members reach their true potential; be on the lookout for that lesson soon.

Your Take

How do you define potential? How do you inspire it in others? Let me know below.


Do It To It! Immediate Action Steps

1. Believe you can.

2. Dream big dreams.

3. Inspire others to reach their potential.

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