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Investing Strategies

Using "Embedded Commands" to Influence Sellers

carrotAn Unnerving Question

Here’s an unnerving question for you:

On a scale of 1 to 10 of your least favorite aspects of real estate investing, where would negotiating with sellers rank?

Okay. Next question:

On a scale of 1 to 10 where would your skill level of negotiating with sellers rank?

For most real estate investors, the answer would be about a 10 on the first question and plunging to about a 1 or 2 on the second question.

Who Likes Stomach-Churning?

Let’s get honest. When it comes right down to the sitting-across-the-table, look-‘em-in-the-eyes moment of negotiating, most RE investors fess up that it’s stomach-churning, hand-sweating time.

Unfortunately, sales negotiation is probably the least understood and one of the biggest areas of mistakes for RE investors. If this describes you, here’s some great news for you. It doesn’t have to be that way.

You didn’t come into this business with an organized team of expert sales trainers to hold your hand. In fact, most newbie investors give little thought to whether or not they possess that special magic power of persuasion. They’re more focused on how to hire a contractor for their rehab job, or how to structure a deal to rake in the most profits.

Good news!

So here’s the good news:

  • There’s nothing magic about the power of persuasion (i.e. negotiating) and
  • Negotiating is a skill that most anyone can learn – even you!  (surprise!)

billMore good news! We have just the person who can help you learn these skills! I’m letting you listen in as I pick the brain of a guy who knows all about negotiations. It’s master communicator, and expert in the subject of Neuro Linguist Programming (NLP), Bill Twyford.  

NLP simply means that Bill can help you learn to use your words to alter the outcome of a situation. (Such as getting a seller to agree to work with you.)

In this video, you’re going to hear Mr. Twyford explain:

  • What are embedded commands?
  • Why do they work?
  • What are down swings and up swings in your voice inflections?
  • Why are down swings and up swings important and what do they mean?
  • How can you learn to use embedded commands and make them work for you where it counts most – at the negotiating table?

{Mogul Elite: Download a transcript and MP3 of this lesson in the Power Pack tools for this lesson.}

Bill started as a paint contractor, turned rehabber, turned flipper, turned Nationwide Real Estate Trainer. His niche is teaching others to master communication through Neuro Linguist Programming (NLP), ultimately helping people to communicate efficiently and effectively.

Because Bill has written 25 different training manuals in the areas of real estate investing, sales techniques, and communication mastery, I call him the Ninja-Jedi of communication! And he’s no stranger to using the power of persuasion since (along with his wife Dwan) he’s flipped over 2,000 deals during his career.

He runs “The Investors Edge University” – a company that specializes in training new and seasoned investors in a wide range of real estate investing techniques through live workshops, weekly webinars, a membership site, seminars, and much more.


Do It To It! Immediate Action Steps
  • When negotiating, get rid of all questions marks as you talk
  • Use statements
  • Avoid the two-letter word “if” – it can crush your presentation
  • Invest your time to study and learn how embedded commands work
  • Record your conversations – listen to your voice

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