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Inner Game

Lessons From a Ritualistic Killa

killaMy name is Andrew "The Maestro" Massaro… and I'm a ritualistic killer. 

No, I don't kill people.  Not yet, anyway. 

I kill routines…  I slay them with swift and just action… and with a freaking samurai sword.

I figure that I've killed at least a hundred morning and daily routines since I've been in business for myself.  And that's being conservative.

So Question: If I kill so many of them, why wouldn't I just do away with them altogether? 

Answer: Because they make me (and everyone) effective and efficient. 

Let me explain…

Here is how the dictionary defines a ritual:

Ritual: (noun) A series of actions performed according to a prescribed order.

If you want to be an efficient business person and accomplish your highest priorities, then you will need a routine, period. Rituals are your friend. In fact, you may need a few. 

Here is my current daily routine:

  • 7:30        Wake and help my wife get our daughter ready for her day, eat breakfast
  • 8:30        Take daughter to sitter
  • 10:00     Work out (Crossfit) and shower
  • 11:15     Meditation, recovery
  • Noon      Answer emails
  • 1:00        Work
  • 2:30        Break, read a book, drink tea
  • 3:00        Work
  • 4:30        Pick up daughter
  • 6:00        Spend time with family

manThis is my current routine.  I’m not saying it has to be yours – that’s not the point. It’s my current one…

As life changes (my wife and I are actively working on expanding our family), I tweak the current one, usually just changing times more than actions.  Or, sometimes I’ll flat-out kill it and replace it with something new.

In my current routine, you may notice that I only work roughly four hours during a typical day.  And, you'd be exactly right.  But, there are two things to consider here:

  • One, I consider my workouts and meditations to be work.  They are critical and essential to my being… me.  They each play a crucial role in my ability to be happy, healthy and motivated to crush it. 
  • And two, I get more work done in four hours than most people do in 9 hours in their day jobs.  How? Because I have a disciplined routine, and it makes me efficient and effective.

What About You?

If you’re lollygag around in your day, doing whatever comes to mind as it comes, then you can expect your success and income to come exactly the same… or not at all.

Also, if you’re letting whatever’s in front of you each moment of the day dictate what you’re doing, then you’re being flat-out inefficient and controlled by the world around you. Stop that. Shame on you. You should carefully plan your day and stick to the plan.

When you become financially free, you can choose to have complete freedom and do whatever, whenever.  That's my goal.  I do quite well, but I’m I haven’t “arrived” yet by my own definition. So I carefully craft my grind and I crush it.

But, before you're there, you need a plan.  And that plan starts with a routine.

You may be tempted to dismiss this concept as trivial. Maybe you’re saying, “Ah Routine, schmoutine – I’m a free floater!”

To which I say, I wouldn’t share it with you if I didn’t feel it was pivotal and a hugely important success secret for me. Take it or leave it, but dismiss it at your own loss.

The fact is, I’ve started and killed more daily rituals and routines than most people have ever thought of having. Why? I’m tweaking revamping them all the time not because they don’t work, but because they work so freaking well for me. Like a workout routine I’m constantly refining and tweaking, that just keeps making me a strong and better version of myself.

Time to take some action…


Do It To It! Immediate Action Steps

Create a routine that works for you, and that accomplishes your highest priorities every day

Before implementing, discuss this new plan with your significant other.  making life changes affects others.  and, if you're married and/or have kids, they need to be on board… or it isn't going to work.  implementing a routine without discussing it first will create backlash and work against your ultimate goal of efficiency

Implement your new routine.  it may not be perfect, but you can tweak it as you go

Study successful people and their routine.  donald trump explains his in his book, think like a billionaire.

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