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Inner Game

Raise Your Standards, Change Your Life

raceHey Moguls, Doug Van Buskirk here…

Today, I want to talk about standards, specifically, your standards - how to raise them and why you should.

Well, you raise your standards by exposing yourself to new ideas and new stories. The human brain is remarkable because simply knowing that another person has done a particular feat will make it seem attainable for you. It shows you how most limitations we feel are actually just restrictions we place on ourselves – limiting beliefs.

The story of running a 4-minute mile is the perfect display of what I’m talking about here. There’s a little discrepancy about all the details of the story, but here’s the meat and potatoes…

Make the Impossible Possible

For the first half of the 20th century, running a 4-minute mile was deemed impossible. Scientists and pundits alike said that the human body couldn’t withstand the stress, and that even the greatest human athlete…

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