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Inner Game

3 Ninja Tips for Handling Criticism

Who are you listening to?

Do you get all bent out of shape when someone says something negative about you?

I get it, we’re human after all, and some of us can be quite sensitive. And that’s okay!

Hey, Moguls, Matt Andrews here…

Look, as a successful real estate investor, serial entrepreneur, growth hacker, film producer, and #1 bestselling author, I’ve certainly had my fair share of critics… but I haven’t let them slow me down.

And my method for dealing with criticism will help you deal with it just as well as I have. I’ve got 3 ninja tips to handle critics like a pro coming at ya.

Critics: The Groupies of Success

We all have our critics. In fact, the more successful you are, the more critics you’re gonna have.

Think about Oprah Winfrey, Tom Brady and J.K. Rowling…

They’re the best at what they do and they have the harshest critics.

I’ve even been there…

The minute my best-selling…

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