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REI Tech

How to Create Smashing Video Ads in Minutes (Zero Skills Required!)

In the past 20 years or so, real estate investors have been slow to jump on the internet bandwagon. They have usually opted for what has worked in the past:

  • Direct mail
  • Cold-calling
  • Bandit signs
  • Networking
  • Knocking on every door in the neighborhood

But, in this techy day and age, new ‘electronic’ strategies may bring in more leads and prospects. Even incorporating digital marketing into your existing marketing may significantly boost results.

Some investors are changing their approach to generating leads by taking advantage of social media. According to a study conducted by Mediakix, an average person spends

  1. 15 minutes on Instagram
  2. 35 minutes on Facebook
  3. 40 minutes on YouTube

…every… single... day

That’s more or less (most likely more) 90 minutes of screen time per day.

With over 1 billion people…

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