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Inner Game

Success Is Gained in the Pursuit of Excellence: Create the Habit

2018-09-24-260.jpgAre you pursuing excellence?

Well, I have a feeling that some of you are scratching your head right about now, while others are thinking, ‘heck yeah, I am!’

Hey Moguls, Chris Clothier here, and today I’ve got an awesome follow-up lesson for you…

So, in my previous lesson, I set the stage for the importance of the pursuit of excellence. I defined excellence as I see it; what excellence means for me, my team and my company and why we need to commit to excellence. Make sure you check out that lesson.

I’m continuing with more valuable thoughts today about this critical topic: fixing problems in your business, creating a culture of excellence, how competition plays a role and more.

Let’s get to it…

People and Processes

So, as far as I’m concerned, when you run a successful business, 2 major components…

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