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Inner Game

Your Problem. Here It Is...

cubeWhat I'm about to say may shock you. You might even disagree. But please don't take it personally.

Here it is...

Real estate tactics are most likely not the key to whether or not you succeed or fail as an investor.

Here's why – and follow me here...

In my 13+ years in the real estate investing game, I've known a lot of investors. 

Not only have I been interacting with you guys for a long time here at Real Estate Mogul, but I’ve also been collaborating with thousands of other investors through my REITips blog and my REIology podcast – and don't forget I started and ran my local REIA group for 6 years before retiring from leadership there.

Through all this, I've known and interacted with about every type of investor you can think of, at every experience level, in places all over the U.S.


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