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Business Development

Freedom through Outsourcing (Part 3): Breaking Down the Virtual Barrier & Hiring the Right Way

wallFace-to-face conversations are rare these days.

As the human race discovers new methods for breaking down communication barriers, even phone conversations are becoming obsolete.

With Face Time, IM, text, Skype, email and all the other “umpteen million” ways we can now connect to people, our everyday communications have gone virtual.

This is reason to rejoice!  Especially if you are interested in distributing your workload to one or more capable assistants.

Which leads me to today’s lesson – Part 3 of our 5-part series about “Freedom through Outsourcing”…

In Part 1 (“The Meaning of Life & Why Outsource”), we identified your goals as an investor and we explored the ways that outsourcing work to a virtual assistant can (i) save you time, (ii) give you freedom to make your business more mobile,…

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