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REI Tech

Technology Tips From (What Seems Like) A Very Un-Techie Source

mailmanWhen we think of technology, thoughts of government agencies don’t instantly pop into our head. There is one government agency, however, that is quietly making it easier for real estate investors to grow their businesses – the US Postal Service.

From receiving rent checks, keeping your home address anonymous and sending out direct mail campaigns, the Post Office is indispensable to real estate investors.  However, recent improvements in technology have really improved the Post Office and their operations.

And the Post Office is still the only game in town when it comes to mailing letters.  So why fight them?  After all – your tax money funds the Post Office whether you use it or not.

Today we thought we would give you a rundown of all the services the Post Office offers that might come in handy to grow your real estate business.  We’d love to hear of any others you find that could help out other investors on the site. …

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