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Inner Game

What is your Time Really Worth?

2014-06-30-260.jpgFrom Cory Boatright, Mindsetologist…

Steve Jobs once said:

“My favorite things in life don’t cost money. It’s really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time.”

Have you ever considered that time is 100% not recyclable?

The time you are given is linear and finite. It passes before you like clockwork (lol, quite literally), and no matter how hard you try, you can never reclaim or reuse a single moment of it.

Poof! …and this moment’s gone….

Poof! …there goes another one…

The cold, harsh truth is that tomorrow is not a given, it's a gift. But judging by the way most of us tend to spend our time, it's clear that we have a problem with really remembering this.

Today I’d like to help you really grasp this at a gut level. It’s going to get real and personal because it involves my real life, and it might even…

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